Hello, rondude, and welcome to Hernando's the friendliest forum on the internet!
If there's anything we can help you with, just give a message to one of the staff or ask in the "shoutbox" at the bottom of the page. Anyone and everyone here will be more than happy to help.
So, relax, enjoy the boards, and don't forget to visit Duffy's. I'll buy the first round :)
Last Edit: Sept 23, 2015 6:29:41 GMT -6 by LadyJae
You're either part of the solution or part of the problem. There is no middle ground.
All new members get 50 free drinks at Duffy's bar, so head on down there and party hardy! Someone will be along to help you out to a taxi and even ride along to carry you into your place safely. So, go have fun, and we'll see you down there!
(Drinks aren't really free; they are put on Doug's tab, but he doesn't mind... he's a good guy like that. )
rondude, It's Really nice of you to stop by a read awhile,,,,, I agree with you, we're have a Great Bunch Of People Here That Contribute,,,, Every Post,,, Even just a Question,,, is a Contribution To Hernando's, Why? Because it gets other's here looking for an answer,,,,,,,,,
So,,, Your idea's, Thoughts, Questions and Answer's are all Welcome Here,,, Yes you can just read to,,,, but you'll get the Bug and get involved Soon! guohua